Friday, November 19, 2010

Does your address change after an earthquake?

Does your address change after an earthquake? Since the ground caused your house to move, shouldn't your address change slightly to adjust? How big of an earthquake would be required for someone to need a new address?Does your address change after an earthquake?
You bet your a..! I'm a movin'!Does your address change after an earthquake?
only if the top floor flat ends up underground .lol
no your address doesn't change but its possible in a really bad quake that your gps location of your house will change
No but Insurance rates will.
Mmmm...time waster.
I guess if it's bad enough, yes, as you would have to live in another town or even further away. If it just damages your home and it is fixed or rebuilt, then no.
nah i think your address stays the same since it is already mapped out. Also your property that your purchased would still be there just moved. you might have to relocate onto YOUR specific property. good question though now u got me thinking lol

2 p
i dont think so comion from a girl who hasnt expereiced an earthquake i dont think it would according to my knowledge of earthquakes
u r crazy
I believe your address will only change if you have to move, or if another house collapse maybe. Good question.
No, it wouldn't. Your address is only relative, and chances are, most of your city moved the same as your house during the earthquake. So unless the earthquake caused a block of buildings to completely disappear - along with the ground they were on- you would still have the same address.

Your geographic coordinates may change, however.
I'm not sure if my address changes. But after a big quake my underwear get changed.
what an imagination you have
you would need a new address if your house is totally destroyed

and then you would need a new tele phone number and your computer would not work till you got dsl ..

at the same time the police fire and town hall would all need new addresses and then the phone book would need to be reprinted..

I think that i would keep my old address and if my house is flat then well you know adventure......
Probably but not for sure. The Earthquake could cause the house next door could get sunk in the ground.
Yes, RIP in Heaven or Hell
Your address doesn't change because your address is based on the area the city had your address officially recorded. and chances are that if your house has been affected severely enough to be moved by an earthquake, the city will rebuild so that your house will be in approx. the same place as it was before.
The change in position is so small that it will not be necessary.

A far as I know, no earthquake can occur of such proportions to cause a change of address. The movement of the plaques is very small but as the land affected is so large the seismic waves created are very intense.

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